Driver Sweeper 3.0.0 (Freeware)(Modified)

Driver SweeperDriver Sweeper es una sencilla herramienta que detecta los controladores de Realtek, Nvidia y ATI en el sistema permitiendo eliminarlos o realizar copias de seguridad.

Esta aplicación está orientada a facilitar la actualización, eliminación y reinstalación de los controladores multimedia que son los que mayores problemas de configuración pueden ocasionar en el sistema operativo.

Driver SweeperDriverSweeper is a fast tool to remove driver leftovers from your system. It's very important to remove your drivers on a proper way, because driver leftovers can cause problems like stability and startup problems. Driver Sweeper mightcome in handy if you want to update/remove drivers from your system.

Driver Sweeper keeps your PC stable and fast with advanced driver removal that ensures the maximal performance of your PC. Driver Sweeper avoids driver conflicts and system failures by removing all previous driver entries. Combined with additional features such as backups and a desktop icon manager, Driver Sweeper offers a complete solution to all your driver needs. Driver Sweeper is very easy to use. You only have to select the drivers you want to clean. The best way to clean drivers is to first uninstall the drivers using the official uninstallers, reboot in Safe Mode and run Driver Sweeper. However, rebooting and not going into Safe Mode also works, but can cause some files not to be cleaned.

Removed: The "Open Candy Adware from the setup.
Eliminado: Publicidad (Adware) "Open Candy" del instalador.

Driver Sweeper 3.0.0 (5.18 MB)

DriverScanner 2011 (NEW)

DriverScannerDriverScanner asegura que siempre tengas los controladores al día y a salvo. El escaneado, muy rápido, comprueba si hay nuevas versiones de los drivers instalados, indicando el nivel de seguridad para cada uno.

Si deseas proceder con la actualización, el botón Download driver se encargará de bajar e instalar el controlador elegido. El historial de DriverScanner estará siempre a tu disposición para comprobar los cambios efectuados.

La otra función principal de DriverScanner es la copia de seguridad de los controladores. La copia puede ser completa o limitada a los dispositivos que quieras. Desde la pestaña Restore podrás restaurar las copias disponibles.

DriverScanner destaca por ser rápido y fácil de usar. No es un programa para usuarios avanzados, sino más bien un asistente para que la tarea de actualizar y guardar los controladores proceda sin complicaciones.

DriverScannerDriverScanner Scan and update your outdated system drivers to release the full power of your PC with Uniblue's powerful new driver download management tool. DriverScanner is the simple and reliable tool with which to update your system’s drivers, boosting system performance, releasing improved functionality and increasing operability with networks and hardware.

This powerful application will scan your system to identify drivers to be updated, and deliver the tools you need to download and then install those drivers, while, at the same time, keeping a full record of all activity and allowing you to backup and restore your drivers.

Combining a sophisticated system scanning engine with a characteristically elegant, clear and simple-to-use Uniblue styled interface, DriverScanner dramatically improves your computing experience. One mouse click is all that it takes to download and then to install updated drivers to your computer and release the full functionality of your system.

Microsoft Gold Certified

DriverScanner 2011 (5.56 MB)

SERIAL (2 Keygens):

O&O DiskRecovery 7.0.6476 (NEW)

O&O DiskRecoveryO&O DiskRecovery realiza un búsqueda en el disco duro o cualquier otro dispositivo de memoria para encontrar archivos borrados.

El programa dispone de un asistente que guía al usuario por el proceso de configuración de la búsqueda. No es complicado, tan sólo hay que indicar algunas características de los archivos. Como por ejemplo su extensión, fecha, etc.

El proceso de búsqueda, no el de configuración, puede hacerse un poco largo, pero merece la pena cuando se recuperan los ficheros borrados por error.

O&O DiskRecoveryRescue is close at hand – O&O DiskRecovery searches for and reconstructs deleted or lost data! The clear Wizard guides you step-by-step through the data rescue.

O&O DiskRecovery supports all popular file formats and scans every sector of the hard disk, the memory card or the digital camera for lost files. O&O DiskRecovery can also find and recover data in the most extreme situations, such as with already formatted or destroyed file systems.

O&O DiskRecovery looks for and recovers data that’s been unintentionally lost as a result of human error or defective software! It combs every sector of the hard disk, the memory card, or the USB Stick to find lost files.
Preview function Upon completion of the scanning process, you’ll be able to preview the recovered data. O&O DiskRecovery supports various pic ture and text formats for the preview function, including JPEG, BMP, and TIF.

O&O DiskRecovery (32 bit) (9.34 MB)

O&O DiskRecovery (64 bit) (9.34 MB)


TuneUp Utilities 2010 (English Version) + Genuine Product Key

TuneUp Utilities 2010 (English Version) + Genuine Product Key


Posted Image

If you missed previous giveaway promo TuneUp Utilities 2010 product key German version, now you can get the product key of TuneUp Utilities 2010 again for free and now the license on the giveaway is for English version. Although the version software given is this promo is not latest version but it has a similar function and features like TuneUp utilities 2011 and it has support for windows 7. But I don’t know how long this promo license.

TuneUp utilities is now become the most popular software utilities for windows. This software provides what you need to clean, customize and tweak every aspect in your windows system. Normal price of the software is $49.95.

If you are interested in getting one genuine product key of TuneUp Utilities 2010 worth $49.95 for free, you can follow the steps mentioned below.

How to Get Genuine TuneUp Utilities 2010 product key English Version

Open the promo page at:
(this promo is from Computer Shopper)

Posted Image

Enter valid email and verification code then click “Request Product Key” button. Once clicked the button it will prompt you to enter the email again

Posted Image

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your email-address. Click on the confirmation link to obtain your personal product key for TuneUp Utilities 2010

Posted Image

How to Use the TuneUp Utilities 2010 Product Key to Activate the Software

Download TuneUp Utilities 2010 (19 MB)


NOTE: this offer from therefore language supposed to be EN-GB. If you already install TuneUp 2010 any other lenguage you just need to uninstall and reinstall the software above download link

Run the software. Click “Enter Product Key” and enter the TU 2010 product key that you received on your email.
Click “Activate”. Now you can enjoy the full version of TuneUp Utilities 2010.

I don’t know how long this promo. Hurry up to obtain genuine TuneUp Utilities 2010 Product Key before the promo ended.

Driver Checker 2.7.4 Datecode 20110408 (MATOZ REPACK) (UPDATE)

altDriver Checker, algunas veces tenemos instalados muchos programas y dispositivos en nuestro ordenador, y no disponemos de sus correspondientes drivers, ya que los hemos perdido. Por esta razón, te será de gran utilidad una herramienta como Driver Checker.

Driver Checker se encarga de chequear, detectar y actualizar todos los programas y dispositivos instalados; si h
ubiera disponible una actualización de alguno de ellos, la instalará automáticamente. También permite realizar backups de toda la información de esos drivers, por si se desea restaurarlos en el futuro.

De esta manera, con Driver Checker tendrás todos los drivers instalados y actualizados correctamente, y todo funcio
nará más eficientemente.

Driver CheckerManage your Windows drivers with ease with Driver Check software. Driver Check can deep scan your hardware devices, detect and update the outdated Drivers if available, completely backup them and restore them if necessarily.

You can also uninstall the Drivers completely on demand. Driver Check does all of these through the easy-to-use interface and makes your system running more secure, stable and always up-to-date.

Driver Check will automatically update and maintain these drivers: Printer Drivers, USB Drivers, Sound/Audio Drivers, Vista Drivers, Bluetooth Drivers, Mouse Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, RAID Drivers, Scanner Drivers, Video Drivers, Modem Drivers, Network Drivers, Linksys Drivers, Webcam Drivers, Graphic Drivers, VGA Drivers & Other Windows Drivers.

As indicated by the developer.


Total Privacy 5.9.0 (MATOZ REPACK) (UPDATE)

Total PrivacyTotal Privacy es una forma segura y fácil de utilizar para utilizar la protección de la intimidad herramienta
que deja a todos los molestos snoopers como cookies, historial, index.dat, los competidores (e incluso su jefe!)
De encontrar el rastro de su uso de la computadora moderna que los navegadores de Internet y muchos otros programas de dejar atrás. Todo esto se puede lograr con un solo clic en el ratón, o incluso automáticamente!

Con total privacidad te total confianza y tranquilidad para garantizar el uso de la computadora por completo y permanente,
eliminando todos los rastros y la historia de su actividad reciente. Lo que es más, total de privacidad también ayuda a mejorar y optimizar el rendimiento del ordenador.
Mediante la supresión de todos los archivos temporales innecesarios, instalar / desinstalar los registros de limpieza y por su navegador de Internet caché, total privacidad mantendrá tu ordenador funcione tan bien y tan rápido como debería.

Total PrivacyTotal Privacy Provides the Most Advanced Information Removal Solution for Protection Against Today's Malicious Online and Offline Threats. Total Privacy is a safe and easy-to-use to use privacy protection tool that stops all those pesky snoopers such as Cookies, history, index.dat, competitors (and even your boss!) from finding the trail of your computer use that modern internet browsers and many other programs leave behind.

All this can be accomplished with a single click on the mouse, or even automatically! With Total Privacy you get total confidence and peace of mind for secure computer use by completely and permanently removing all traces and history of your recent activity. What's more, Total Privacy also helps improve and optimize your computer's performance.

By deleting all those unnecessary temporary files, install/uninstall records and by cleaning your internet browser cache, Total Privacy will keep your computer functioning as smoothly and as quickly as it should.


DriverMax Pro Version For Free 9th-11th April


Get DriverMax Pro version 5.8 from 9th-11th April courtesy of Megaleecher

Driver Max Pro from Innovated Solutions

The "PRO" version offers users the ability to download drivers from within the DriverMax Agent, fast driver downloads without waiting with increased download priority, possibility to be notified on signed driver updates only, downloads without the need to upload your own drivers and hourly driver update check.

Go straight to registering your email with the direct link Here

You will receive an email with your registration code and download link. Mine took an hour or two to arrive btw.

AIDA64 1.60.1300 Extreme/ Business Edition (NEW)

AIDA64AIDA64 Extreme Edition (formely Everest Ultimate) es una herramienta de diagnóstico del sistema. Sucesora de AIDA32 y Everest Ultimate, AIDA64 es compatible con todas las versiones de Windows, desde la 95 hasta la 7.

En sus paneles, AIDA64 muestra información sobre todos los dispositivos de hardware, programas instalados y rendimiento de los componentes. Los informes -¡de hasta 50 páginas!- se pueden personalizar y exportar fácilmente.

Muy útiles son las funciones de notificación; AIDA64 es capaz de mostrar datos de los sensores de temperatura y voltaje en la barra de tareas, así como usar el OSD para los avisos (al estilo televisor). Y para los amantes del overclocking, AIDA64 dispone de funciones específicas.

En su base de datos, AIDA64 contiene información sobre más de 120.000 dispositivos, y es compatible con 150 sensores distintos. Es el impresionante legado de más de una década de existencia.

AIDA64AIDA64 Extreme Edition (formely Everest Ultimate) - Industry leading system diagnostics and benchmarking solution for enthusiasts PC users, based on the award-winning AIDA Technology. Exhaustive details of system information on 100 pages including CPU, FPU, disk and memory benchmarks, advanced hardware monitoring and diagnostics capabilities.

AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. AIDA64 Extreme Edition provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hadware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring.

It has unique capabilities to assess the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives. AIDA64 is compatible with all current 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.


AIDA64 Extreme Edition (EXE) (11.2 MB)

AIDA Extreme Edition (PORTABLE) (12.8 MB)Link

AIDA64 Business Edition (EXE)

AIDA64 Business Edition (PORTABLE)



Beep Codes Viewer (Freeware)(Portable)


Beep Codes Viewer es una sencilla herramienta que le explicará los códigos de error al pitar el BIOS para todos los principales fabricantes de BIOS (AMI, AWARD, Phoenix, IBM). Si alguna vez has tenido problemas con la prueba de encendido de tu pc, usted sabrá lo útil que puede ser. Normalmente, usted sólo obtendrá un patrón de sonidos - un largo y tres cortos, por ejemplo - y la caza a continuación, se dejó para el manual del sistema para saber lo que estos ruidos podría significar.

Con el Beep Codes Viewer, sin embargo, es muy diferente. El programa es portátil, por lo que guardarlo en una unidad flash USB y se puede lanzar desde casi cualquier PC. A continuación, seleccione el tipo de BIOS (se puede decir en la pantalla de inicio, si aún así obtener una), y haga clic en el código de sonido que está escuchando la descripción detallada de lo que está tratando de decir, y cómo solucionar el problema.

Beep Codes Viewer

Beep Codes Viewer is a simple tool that will explain the BIOS error beep codes for all the main PC BIOS manufacturers (AMI, AWARD, Phoenix, IBM). If you’ve ever had a PC fail its power-on self-test then you’ll know how useful this can be. Typically you’ll just get some pattern of beeps – one long and three short, say – and then be left hunting for your system manual to find out what these noises could possibly mean.

With the Beep Code Viewer, though, it’s all very different. The program is portable, so save it to a USB flash drive and you can launch it from just about any PC. Then choose your BIOS type (it may say on the boot screen, if you still get one), and click on the beep code you’re hearing for a detailed description of what it’s trying to tell you, and how to fix the problem.

Beep Codes Viewer (0.5 MB)