StarBurn 13 Build 20110818 (NEW)

StarBurnStarBurn es un entorno de grabación que incorpora todas las opciones necesarias para copiar y grabar todo tipo de datos en CD, DVD, Blu-Ray y HD-DVD.

Con StarBurn puedes grabar datos, grabar música, grabar una imagen de un CD o DVD, extraer pistas de audio, generar una imagen e incluso comprimir diferentes formatos de audio en MP3 u OGG. Su entorno tiene la misma forma de organizar sus funciones que las típicas ventanas de Windows XP. En un lado las acciones y en otro un explorador de archivos.

Todas las acciones posibles estás guiadas por un asistente. Es decir, basta con seleccionar el tipo de acción que queremos realizar para que el programa, paso a paso, nos indique lo que tenemos que hacer.

En definitiva, StarBurn es una alternativa gratuita a los entornos de grabación más usuales.

StarBurnStarBurn is a powerful tool for CD/DVD and Blu-Ray/HD-DVD grabbing, burning and mastering.

This free and powerful bundled software allows you with the user-friendly GUI wizards perform such operations: burn data, audio and video discs, grab audio and data discs, build images, compress decompress and recompress audio files to wav, wma, mp3 and ogg formats, create virtual drives and mount remote optical drives.

StarBurn supports all types of optical storage media (including CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM) and a wide variety of burning hardware. The advanced features enable you to create DVD-Video content from custom video files, or compilations from other DVDs. Additionally with the DVD Splitting Wizard you can split DVD-Video discs into smaller parts and burn them to DVD writable discs or share them with the StarPort DVD-ROM emulator and watch DVD video directly on your PC. This enables you to create copies of 8.5 GB dual layer DVDs with just a few mouse clicks.

StarBurn 13 (13.7 MB)(7z File)

PanoramaStudio 2.2.0 (NEW)

PanoramaStudioPanoramaStudio crea imágenes panorámicas de 360 grados a partir de un conjunto de fotos. Además, presenta opciones tan útiles como la fusión, mezcla y mejora de imágenes.

Este programa detecta incluso la corrección de lente y la longitud focal. Por su parte, los datos Exif se respetan. No en vano, su base de datos interna alberga más de 600 cámaras digitales.

A la hora de la verdad, resulta un programa interesante para los legos en la materia y apasionante para los muy aficionados a la fotografía, ya que PanoramaStudio viene cargado de opciones que se pueden manipular manualmente. Por citar algunas: la corrección de la perspectiva y la corrección de la exposición. Y también automáticas: como el recorte y ajuste óptimos de las imágenes. Por no hablar de los filtros.

Fácil de usar, por tanto, pero con prestaciones más que suficientes para pasar por las manos de auténticos expertos en el retoque y la composición digital.

PanoramaStudioPanoramaStudio. Creation of seamless 360 degree and wide angle panoramic images. This program combines simple creation of perfect panoramic images within a few steps with ambitious postprocessing features for advanced users. PanoramaStudio Pro. Creation of single and multi-row panoramas of up to full spherical 360x180 degrees. PanoramaStudio Pro is the complete solution for the creation of panoramic images. Besides the easy and established creation of panoramas PanoramaStudio Pro offers now also the option to stitch arbitrary arranged images to panoramas. This allows huge panoramas, even beyond the gigapixel limit.

PanoramaStudio (Various Versions) (13.3 @ 15.8 MB) Name: John Smith Key: MBNYK-QV9J8K-KE3BXE-3W4JA

Hiren's BootCD 14.1 (UPDATE) (FREEWARE)

Hiren's BootCDHiren's BootCD es un Live CD con secuencia de arranque múltiple, que contiene utilidades para resolver problemas del computador. Es útil, por ejemplo, cuando el sistema operativo primario no pueda ser iniciado, porque el sector cero ó MBR del Disco duro o de la unidad de estado sólido no es escrito correctamente o carece de alguno. El Hiren's BootCD tiene una lista extensa del software. Las utilidades con funcionalidad similar en el CD se agrupan en menús y parecen redundantes, sin embargo existen diferencias entre ellas que las hacen complementarias. El 2 de Enero del 2011 se lanzó la versión 13.0 y el 12 de Febrero de 2011 se lanzó la versión actual que es la 13.1 que incluye utilidades tales como:

Mini XP (con conexión a red por cable e inalámbrica)
Pruebas del funcionamiento del sistema.
Programas de particionado
Programas de copias de seguridad
Reproductores multimedia.
Gestor del Master Boot Record.
Herramientas del BIOS.
Cambio o eliminación de contraseñas en el equipo.
Programas de recuperación de datos.
Antivirus y AntiMalware general.

Hiren's BootCDHiren's BootCD is a completely free bootable CD that contains a load of useful tools you can make use of in a variety of situations like analyzing, recovering and fixing your computer even if the primary operating system can not be booted.

It is a great resource for anyone with computer problems who is having trouble accessing the internet to download programs in an attempt to fix it. It has a multitude of tools divided into a number of categories like partitioning tools, backup, recovery and BIOS/CMOS tools to name a few. With some simple knowledge about what is contained on the CD, you can use it to repair many problems computer like hard drive failure, virus infections, partitioning, password recovery and data recovery.

Hiren's BootCD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through UI's differences and options in what they can do.

Hiren's BootCd (523.11 MB)

Perfect Uninstaller Datecode 2011.08.25 (MATOZ REPACK) (UPDATE)

Perfect UninstallerPerfect Uninstaller esta es la forma más fácil y mejor para usted para desinstalar completamente cualquier aplicación no deseada que la instalación de software estándar y la eliminación no se puede quitar.
¿Alguna vez ha enfrentado a un problema cuando no se podía quitar la aplicación? Con Perfect Uninstaller, puede desinstalar aplicaciones no deseados en su sistema más fácil y más rápido. El estándar Agregar o quitar programas no puede a menudo desinstalar completamente todas las aplicaciones y claves de registro rotas, a diferencia de este componente, el programa perfecto Unistall no sólo elimina las aplicaciones, pero también limpia su PC de registro dañado errores, mejorando la productividad y la velocidad de su computadora!

Perfect UninstallerPerfect Uninstaller is a better and easier way for you to completely uninstall any unwanted application that standard Windows Add/Remove Program can't remove.

Have you ever been bothered with software applications that can't be uninstalled by the standard Windows
Add/Remove Programs? Have you been afraid of the system errors or crash as you uninstall a corrupted program manually?

With Perfect Uninstaller, you can uninstall any unwanted applications in your system easier and faster. The standard Add /Remove Program can not often completely uninstall all applications and broken registry keys. Unlike your own PC Add/Remove Program, Perfect Uninstall can not only uninstall the applications, but also clean the registry files left over themselves. It will protect your PC from corrupted registry errors, improving your PC performance and speed!



SpyHunter (NEW)

SpyHunterSpyHunter un novedoso antispyware que le cambiará su visión acerca del tema de seguridad informática.

Escanea, detecta y elimina todo aquel spyware que pueda poner en riesgo su sistema, como así también adwares (y otros tipos de malware) que intenten perjudicar su PC.

Con una estructura muy compacta y un interfaz muy fácil de utilizar, SpyHunter incluye la última tecnología en cuanto a remover “parásitos” se trata. Rapidez y eficiencia son características que no han de faltarle a este programa.

Su sistema será monitoreado en tiempo real y, por supuesto, lo librará de virus al instante. Cabe destacar que cuenta con un departamento de soporte especializado y actualización vía Internet para tener al día su base de datos.

Su rasgo de programa “todo en uno” lo convierte en una herramienta muy útil para cualquier ordenador.

SpyHunterSpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application designed specially for people like you, not for tech experts. It is automatically configured out of the box to give you optimal protection with limited interaction so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection.

SpyHunter has the ability to detect and remove rootkits, which are used to stealthy install rogue anti-spyware programs and other trojans. Rootkits use hidden and encrypted folders to avoid detection by traditional security software. SpyHunter’s newly integrated advanced rootkit detection technology allows it to perform an instant rootkit scan and promptly display a message upon detection.

The message will ask the user to reboot the computer and after reboot the rootkit will have been removed. SpyHunter takes it a step further by offering additional customization capabilities to ensure every user is able to custom tailor SpyHunter to fit their specific needs.

SPYHUNTER 4.5 (22.0 MB)(7z File)

Office 2o1o Toolkit 2.2.3 (UPDATE)

Office 2010 Toolkit 2.3

This is an universal and simple activator for Office 2010.
It can use KMS activation even if you are using RETAIL License.
EZ-Activator gathers information about your Office 2010 licensing status to provide the best method of activation. It can automatically attempt possible fixes in the case of a activation failure, and can reverse all changes in case of total failure.

Este es un activador universal y sencillo para Office 2010.

Se puede utilizar la activación de KMS, incluso si usted está usando licencia RETAIL.
EZ-Activador recoge información sobre el estado de su licencia de Office 2010 para proporcionar el mejor método de activación. Automáticamente puede intentar posibles soluciones en el caso de un fallo de la activación, y puede revertir todos los cambios en caso de fracaso total.

The following is the quick guide to get going
La siguiente es una guía rápida para ponerse en marcha

1) Download Pro Plus Retail (posted: HERE)

2) Use this key during installation, it won’t activate, don’t try to.
Use el serial durante la instalación, "no va activar" , "no lo intente".

3)Download Office Toolkit 2.2.3

Office Toolkit 2.2.3

4)Run “EZ-Activator”. This will convert your retail version to Volume and will attempt to activate it with KMS.
Ejecute "EZ-Activator". Esto convertirá su versión Retail a Volume e intentará activarlo con KMS.

5)Under Activation tools->Install Office 2010 AutoKMS. This will make sure your activation is renewed at every boot.
En Activation Tools > Instale Office 2010 con AutoKMS. Esto hará que su versión sea renovada en cada reinicio.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Office 2010 should be installed as most of the toolkit functions are obviously useless without Office 2010 installed.

****** La información proviene de *******

Internet Download Accelerator (UPDATE)

Internet Download AcceleratorInternet Download Accelerator es un gestor que destaca por su velocidad de descarga, realizando múltiples conexiones para un mismo archivo (como casi todos los gestores de descarga actuales), y consiguiendo velocidades sensiblemente superiores a otros gestores de descarga muy populares.

Es muy cómodo de usar, basta con que definas una carpeta para guardar los archivos y con una única pulsación de Enter tu descarga comenzará. También permite seleccionar cualquier otra carpeta de destino fácilmente.

Posee una zona para arrastrar los enlaces aunque en muchos casos no te será demasiado necesaria gracias a que también dispone de integración con Internet Explorer, Netscape y Opera.

Internet Download AcceleratorInternet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time.

Internet Download Accelerator resumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPS and FTP servers. To increase usability Internet Download Accelerator integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Nescape and others, replacing the standard download modules. Moreover, the program monitors the system clipboard and detects URLs in the clipboard. With IDA you can download and save video from popular video sharing services: YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe and others.

Whatever your connection type, Internet Download Accelerator will use the bandwidth of your connection most effectively and download files extremely fast. Power and useful tool for management of download categories.

Internet Download Accelerator (6.53 MB)

(Keygen ONLY)

Official Windows 7 SP1 ISO from Digital River

via MDL Forums

With the release of Windows 7 SP1, Microsoft has also updated the Windows 7 DVD media ISO image distributed by Digital River for online order fulfillment. Digital River is Microsoft’s partner for fulfillment on online distribution for downloadable Microssoft products.

The Windows 7 ISO images hosted on Digital River is genuine and official version, and the downloads from the server is legal. It’s after all one of the official channel where end-users who purchase a license (product key) for Windows 7 get the setup installation files.

Anyway, without a genuine and legally purchased product key, you can’t get Windows 7 activated, and Windows 7 will only run as evaluation copy for up to 30 days.

The latest version of Windows 7 DVD image available is of media refresh version, which commonly known as Windows 7 SP1-U (Media Refresh). Microsoft released the media refresh version of Windows 7 DVD media to fix a rare bug related to invalid computer name when small set of computer names returned error when used to install Windows 7. Otherwise, the Windows 7 with SP1 and Windows 7 with SP1-U (Media Refresh) is completely the same.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-59463.iso
English x64: X17-59465.iso

French x86: X17-59477.iso
French x64: X17-59479.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58877.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58879.iso

Windows 7 Professional SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-59183.iso
English x64: X17-59186.iso

German x86: X17-59886.iso
German x64: X17-59885.iso

French x86: X17-59195.iso
French x64: X17-59197.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58866.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58868.iso

Italian x86: X17-59212.iso
Italian x64: X17-59215.iso

Portuguese x86: X17-59246.iso
Portuguese x64: X17-59247.iso

Swedish x86: X17-59271.iso
Swedish x64: X17-59273.iso

Norwegian x86: X17-59229.iso
Norwegian x64: X17-59231.iso

Finnish x86: X17-59192.iso
Finnish x64: X17-59194.iso

Dutch x86: X17-59233.iso
Dutch x64: X17-59236.iso

Danish x86: X17-59891.iso
Danish x64: X17-59883.iso

Traditional Chinese x86: X17-59295.iso
Traditional Chinese x64: X17-59297.iso

Korea x86: X17-59299.iso
Korea x64: X17-59300.iso

Windows 7 Professional N SP1-U ISO (Note: N editions come without media components)

English x86: X17-59335.iso
English x64: X17-59337.iso

German x86: X17-59323.iso
German x64: X17-59327.iso

French x86: X17-59348.iso
French x64: X17-59351.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58871.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58874.iso

Italian x86: X17-59364.iso
Italian x64: X17-59366.iso

Portuguese x86: X17-59395.iso
Portuguese x64: X17-59398.iso

Swedish x86: X17-59418.iso
Swedish x64: X17-59424.iso

Norwegian x86: X17-59380.iso
Norwegian x64: X17-59383.iso

Finnish x86: X17-59344.iso
Finnish x64: X17-59346.iso

Dutch x86: X17-59384.iso
Dutch x64: X17-59387.iso

Danish x86: X17-59318.iso
Danish x64: X17-59320.iso

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-58996.iso
English x64: X17-58997.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58857.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58859.iso

French x86: X17-59007.iso
French x64: X17-59009.iso

While the official Windows 7 SP1 DVD media ISO images are only available in limited sets of languages and editions, it’s possible to install a language pack to switch to another display language, and use Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher to change to another edition. The ultimate solution is to create an all-edition Windows 7 ISO image with ei.cfg Removal Utility.

Ultimate Boot CD 5.1.1 (NEW)(FREEWARE)

Ultimate Boot CDUltimate Boot CD es un kit de programas gratuitos con el que analizar y reparar ordenadores. No se ejecuta como un programa tradicional, sino que arranca desde el CD sin tener que instalar nada. De esta forma, el margen de maniobra para quien repara es mucho mayor.

El primer paso para usar Ultimate Boot CD consiste en grabar la imagen ISO. Acto seguido, introduce el CD en el lector del ordenador dañado y enciende el equipo; lo más probable es que Ultimate Boot CD consiga ejecutarse. En caso contrario, reinicia, accede a la BIOS tras pulsar F2 o F10 y modifica el orden de arranque (boot sequence) para que el lector óptico sea el primer dispositivo.

Una vez pulsada la tecla Intro, Ultimate Boot CD deja paso a su menú de programas. Hay para todos los gustos: pruebas de hardware, analizadores de disco duro, utilidades de clonado y particionado, editores de bajo nivel, antivirus e incluso navegadores web para DOS. Por no mencionar la colección de disquetes de arranque DOS y Linux.

Además, Ultimate Boot CD reserva uno de sus menús para las utilidades que tú quieras. La distribución original ocupa 210 megabytes, así que cabe perfectamente en un mini-CD. Con algo de maña es posible instalar Ultimate Boot CD en un pendrive, mas no todos los ordenadores soportan el arranque desde unidades USB.

La apuesta de Ultimate Boot CD por las utilidades gratuitas ha favorecido inmensamente su difusión. En la actualidad, se trata del CD de reparación más conocido y alabado. La versión 5.0, muy esperada por los fans, está al caer.

Ultimate Boot CDUltimate Boot CD lets you run diagnostics from CD, not from an unwell hard drive or a series of teeny floppies. You can create a boot CD with any of a variety of hard drive diagnostics, hard disk management programs, memory diagnostics, Linux-based rescue discs, and more.
You need the Ultimate Boot CD if you want to:
• Run floppy-based diagnostic tools from CDROM drives. More and more PCs are shipped without floppy drives these days, and it is such a royal pain when you need to run diagnostic tools on them.
• Free yourself from the slow loading speed of the floppy drive. Even if you do have a floppy drive, it is still much much faster to run your diagnostic tools from the CDROM drive, rather than wait for the tool to load from the floppy drive.
• Consolidate as many diagnostic tools as possible into one bootable CD. Wouldn't you like to avoid digging into the dusty box to look for the right floppy disk, but simply run them all from a single CD? Then the Ultimate Boot CD is for you!
• New! Run Ultimate Boot CD from your USB memory stick. A script on the CD prepares your USB memory stick so that it can be used on newer machines that supports booting from USB devices. You can access the same tools as you would from the CD version.

When you boot up from the CD, a text-based menu will be displayed, and you will be able to select the tool you want to run. The selected tool actually boots off a virtual floppy disk created in memory.

Ultimate Boot CD (359 MB)

Outpost Security Suite Pro 1 Year Free (NEWS)

Noticia gracias a :

Outpost Security Suite Pro Review & 1 Year License Giveaway

Extremely popular with Outpost Firewall Pro, Agnitum is one of the most security vendor who deliver comprehensive security solutions. As a flag-ship products of Agnitum, Outpost Security Suite Pro integrates all the advanced security technology. Includes the best firewall in the industry of Outpost Firewall Pro, a powerful proactive protection technologies of Outpost Antivirus Pro, the network security & privacy protection of Outpost Network Security and an effective anti-malware engine…Outpost Security Suite Pro is rated as having the potential to become a leader in the Internet Security Suite market along with Bitdefender and Kaspersky.

To celebrate one year of Freebiest’s foundation anniversary, Freebiest organize a giveaway for Outpost Security Suite Pro from August 2nd to August 4th, 2011 in which you can get 1 year license of this software for free.

Posted Image


Outpost Security Suite Pro delivers comprehensive, multilayered protection against all types of Internet threat with minimal impact on PC performance to brings more targeted security to Windows PC users. Outpost Security Suite Pro is an all-in-one protection which offers essential, powerful and advanced features: Antivirus, Antispam, Antispyware, Firewall, Privacy & Parental Control,…
The security suite has three years’ record of VB100 awards.

Key Benefits

- Virus Bulletin VB100 certified virus and spyware protection
- Preemptive protection secures against new and unknown threats
- Minimal impact on system performance
- Secured network and web connections
- Fast, safe and private web browsing
- Automatic configuration (Auto-Learn and cloud-based ImproveNet)
- Subsequent malware scans up to 10 times faster
- Intuitive security decision-making
- Bulletproof self-defense
- Real-time monitoring of security-related activities and events
- Minimal hardware requirements
- Entertainment mode for uninterrupted games and streaming video


Anti-Malware (Antivirus + Antispyware):
o File Monitor and Scanner – scans system and files in real time or on demand.
o Mail Antivirus – scans email attachments.
o Web Antivirus – scans web pages for viruses and bad scripts.
o USB virus protection – combats or blocks USB device auto-run vulnerability.
o eXtended Heurist ics Analyzer (HAX) engine – scans critical system locations.

Two-way firewall to keep network connections secure:
o Inbound and outbound system and application firewall.
o Attack Detection – detects attacks from the local networks and Internet.
o IP BlockList – updatable list of blocked IPs.

Proactive Protection modules to preemptively block unknown and new threats and prevent misuse of system and application data:
o Anti-Leak – prevents suspicious activity to block unknown threats and prevent data
o Applicat ion Guard – secures IDs and passwords used with most popular applications
from inappropriate access or malicious hijacking.
o System Guard – protects key system settings and program data from misuse or
malware compromise.
o File and Folder Lock blocks access to designated files and folders.

Web Control to protect against online risks and block Internet clutter:
o URL blacklist with automatically updated list of spying and malware sites.
o Ad blocking with automatically updated list of ad distribution networks.
o Customizable content filtering/parental block.
o Active Content block – restricts scripts/executable code/media elements in email
messages and on web pages.
o ID block – blocks outbound transmission of personal information.

Anti-spam to keep inboxes clean of junk emails.

Advanced activity monitoring tools to display real- time program activity and connection status:
o Process Activity Monitor for real-time monitoring of active processes.
o File and Registry Activity Monitor for on-demand recording of system events

Log Viewer to provide a record of past system activity.

Automated and password-protected configurations.

Posted Image

Pros & Cons


- Outpost Security Suite Pro recommended using by security experts thanks one of the best firewalls in the industry.
- The Antivirus works at best effectively.
- Good Antispyware with a smart scanning engines.
- Real-time protection is working very well quietly.
- The processing of scanning is fast and deep.
- The User Interface is clear and modern, easy to use.
- Good price: $29.95/1yr/1PC.
- Friendly support.

In the previous versions, sometime Anti-malware engines doesn’t work at best but the lasted version 7.5.1 they improved.

As the all-in-one security suite, although some certain areas for improvement but Outpost Security Suite Pro is a brilliant security choice for your PC system. Specially, with Outpost Security Suite Pro, you own the best firewall powerfully and effectively.
Giveaway Promotion

To celebrate one year of Freebiest’s foundation anniversary, Freebiest in association with Agnitum Team organize a giveaway for Outpost Security Suite Pro v7.5.1. From August 2nd to August 4th, 2011, we offer you the chance to get 1 year license of Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro worth $29.95 for free.
Thanks for the generosity of Agnitum Team – the sponsor of this giveaway, you can get a free copy of Outpost Security Suite Pro by access our


Outpost Security Suite Pro  Registration Code

The promo page will generate your registration key code immediately. Copy-paste it to the Outpost registration window to active!

- The promo page and promo code still work in fact!
- Please make sure that you use download links from the promo page ONLY.

Loaris Trojan Remover (NEW)

Loaris Trojan RemoverTrojan Remover, dentro del temido mundo de los virus unos de los más odiados son los famosos troyanos. Por ello, es normal que hoy en día se creen antivirus específicamente diseñados para detectar y eliminar los troyanos que se te hayan colado en tu ordenador, como es el caso de este Loaris Trojan Remover.

Loaris Trojan Remover chequea todo el disco duro de tu ordenador, así como el arranque del sistema de Windows, en busca de toda clase de troyanos, adware, spyware, spybot y demás virus parasitarios que están hibernando para robarte información de tu PC.
De esta manera, al menos con Loaris Trojan Remover tu ordenador, y la información que contiene, estarán un poco más a salvo y protegidos.

Loaris Trojan RemoverTrojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always good at effectively removing it.

The majority of Anti-Malware Scanners are well able to detect malicious software - Trojan Horses, Internet Worms, Adware/Spyware etc. - but are not always efficient in removing them once they have been triggered. Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by some standard antivirus scanners.

Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Two types are available. The Standard scan quickly scans the system with no need for further configuration of the scan parameters.The Custom scan… allows the user to select any of the folders for scan.

Loaris Trojan Remover (20.37 MB)(RAR)


Spyware Doctor 2011 (NEW)

Spyware DoctorSpyware Doctor™ es una utilidad que nos permitirá detectar y, si la adquieres, eliminar todo tipo de programas spyware.

Spyware Doctor también permite inmunizar tu sistema contra infecciones conocidas así como también activar una protección en tiempo real, tal y como suelen realizar los antivirus. De esto se encarga OnGuard, que vigila constantemente, incluso en la versión de prueba, para evitar nuevas infecciones.

PC Tools Spyware Doctor cuenta con una utilidad para analizar tu PC y saber así si está infectado con spyware o no. Para eliminarlo deberás registrar Spyware Doctor.

Spyware DoctorSpyware Doctor™ provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections.

Spyware Doctor is a multi-award winning spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers with the help of Spyware Doctor. Anti-virus software and firewalls do not fully protect your system against the majority of spyware and privacy threats.

Because spyware is commonly bundled with software downloads, attached to e-mails, or transmitted through networks it can appear to be legitimate software, but once installed it can be nearly impossible to detect and remove without the help of a dedicated spyware removal tool like Spyware Doctor.



Name: Don Cazalezzi
License key: A0F9-609D-F4F0-6E46-8904-C546-18A3-A073-DC15-52BB
Name: Dima Dimaa
License key: F081-39CD-CCA9-1CE5-B3A3-CAE1-3063-2906-6464-ECAC
Name: Don Camorrito
License key: E32F-C809-1A8A-23E6-C5CE-9C80-F301-39A9-71A6-8876
Name: kalev ru-board
License key: 57DE-13B6-8B48-EDDD-BE7D-D466-62AC-34FA-136B-A982