Hitman Pro 3.7.7 Build 203 (UPDATE)
¿Algo raro pasa en tu ordenador pero tu antivirus no detecta amenaza alguna? En esos casos siempre viene bien tener a mano una segunda opinión, y Hitman Pro es una opción efectiva, además de portable.
La función única y principal de Hitman Pro es la de escanear tu ordenador en busca de virus y software malicioso. Como programa, consiste en un simple ejecutable que no tienes que instalar, por lo que es idóneo para un uso esporádico sin ralentizar apenas el sistema.
Hitman Pro demuestra cierta eficacia en nuestros tests, aunque si usas un antivirus de confianza, su utilidad se restringe a capturar cookies de seguimiento y otros ficheros no muy nocivos pero igualmente obviables.
En definitiva, Hitman Pro es una de esas utilidades de seguridad que siempre conviene tener a mano para situaciones en las que una infección en tu ordenador parece poco clara.
Hitman Pro is quick and portable and, best of all, doesn't conflict with standard antivirus applications, so you can use it for a second opinion without things getting complicated. There are two scan modes - Quick and Default - and you can set Hitman Pro to scan on computer start-up.
The Hitman Pro interface is modern and attractive; the scans are quick and the results are easy to read. The program doesn't have a huge number of configuration options, but the ones that do feature are useful - for example, Hitman Pro integrates into Windows Explorer context menus, and it will also create an automatic restore point. Even so, we missed greater scheduling options.
Hitman Pro seems to be accurate. On our test system, it didn't find anything, but then again, we make a big effort to keep things clean. It did find the traces of tracking cookies that had already been removed, however, so the chances of it finding real infections are pretty good. Hitman Pro is no replacement for a general anti-virus, but if you are looking for a second opinion, it's a good bet.
Hitman Pro - a second opinion for your virus and tracking cookie queries.
The Hitman Pro interface is modern and attractive; the scans are quick and the results are easy to read. The program doesn't have a huge number of configuration options, but the ones that do feature are useful - for example, Hitman Pro integrates into Windows Explorer context menus, and it will also create an automatic restore point. Even so, we missed greater scheduling options.
Hitman Pro seems to be accurate. On our test system, it didn't find anything, but then again, we make a big effort to keep things clean. It did find the traces of tracking cookies that had already been removed, however, so the chances of it finding real infections are pretty good. Hitman Pro is no replacement for a general anti-virus, but if you are looking for a second opinion, it's a good bet.
Hitman Pro - a second opinion for your virus and tracking cookie queries.
(32/64 bit)(Xenocoder)
(32/64 bit)(Xenocoder)
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