progeCAD 2010 Professional
progeCAD 2010, el mejor para trabajar con 2D/3D DWG and DXF CAD, impulsado por el más reciente motor de IntelliCAD es un fácil reemplazo de AutoCAD® y AutoCAD LT®!
Comparte tus archivos DWG, importación DWG desde PDF, modelos de exportación a Google Earth ®, impresión PDF, miles de bloques libres son sólo algunas de las características clave disponibles...

Because AutoCAD is the most widely used professional CAD software on the market today, anything that competes in AutoCAD's sandbox has to be able to not only vie for attention in a difficult and entrenched environment, but also provide some incentives to move off the industry standard.
ProgeSOFT is a serious company with a serious CAD product and offers extensive technical product support, so we decided to give progeCAD a heavy duty test. We reviewed progeCAD over a two month period in a busy architectural and industrial design studio. progeCAD 2010, powered by the most recent IntelliCAD 6.6 engine, is an affordable and powerful DWG CAD software full compatible with Windows 7®. progeCAD 2010 contains many important new features and enhancements to offer customers improved performance, stability and speed.
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