ZPlayer 3.0.1-5 (NEW)(ANDROID)

Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed media player for Android OS.

*Note to all users upgrading from version 2.9*
-you might need to uninstall the application before upgrading to version 3.x some database changes have made the application crash after upgrading, but a new installation (or clearing application data) should fix the issue.

Welcome to ZPlayer a Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed player, a better richer and more interactive media player.

Get album reviews, artist biographies, top tracks, playlists, related artists and podcasts (audio/video) all in one application.
+Swiping the homescreen to the left/right shows the 'current playing' song and listening history.

+ To jump to the 'now playing' screen, use the volume controls to reveal the music controls, and then tap on the song name(in bold) or the artist name.

Requires Android: 2.1 and up