VideoGet 2012 (NEW)
¿Eres aficionado a ver vídeos en Internet y te gustaría descargarlos a tu PC? Seguro que sí.
VideoGet es un elaborado programa que sirve para descargar a tu PC los vídeos de decenas de páginas, como YouTube, Google Video y MetaCafe.
Además de descargar los vídeos, VideoGet te permite convertirlos a AVI, WMV e incluso dejarlos listos para pasarlos a tu iPod. De hecho, no es que te permita convertirlos, sino que directamente los guarda en el formato que le indiques, así incluso te ahorras convertirlos.
Su mayor punto en contra es que se trata de un programa de pago, pero hay que tener en cuenta que, aunque existen muchos gratuitos similares, ninguno es tan completo como éste.

VideoGet features:
• Downloads video from YouTube and more than 900 video websites.
• Converts video to variety of video formats (*.AVI, *.MPG, *.WMV, *.FLV, *.MP4, *.3GP, *.RM, *.MOV, *.MP3, *.WAV)
• Converts video to any portable video device (iPhone, iPod Video, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, PSP, Zune, iRiver Clix, AppleTV)
• One-click-download-convert. Plugins for Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox browser
• Script auto-updater allows you to be always in touch with latest version
• Simultaneous download supported. To make the download faster, VideoGet allows you to download up to 20 videos at the same time
• “Download while converting” feature automatically starts downloading the next video while the previous one is being converted.
• Simultaneous converting of multiple files allows to convert up to 10 videos at the same time.
• Download YouTube videos in high-quality with a new “YouTube in HQ” feature.
• Auto remove downloaded files from the list. VideoGet will automatically remove all downloaded files from the list after you close the program.
• MMS streaming media protocol supported.
• Download works through WinInet API, which is used by Internet Explorer, allows easy and fast download of Flash movies
• Allows to downloading in a batch mode with ability to save / load batch
• Allows to pause / resume all downloads or individual files per row.
• Can resume broken download instead of downloading file from the beginning
• Ability to login on YouTube due to inappropriate videos for which we need to prove we are 18+ years old
• Automatically detects which online video service you are attempting to download from
• Broken website report. Notify us about broken website by pressing a single button, and our team will fix it as soon as possible.
• Ability to setup width / height, video / audio quality, video frame rate and audio sampling rate of encoded video
• Small and compact
• Designed with “Easy-to-Use” concept. Nice, simple interface and a solid amount of options
• Works on Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
• Works with all types of Internet connection
• Supported languages: English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Danish, Swedish, Czech, Portuguese (Brazil), Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, Arabic, Japanese, Danish, Swedish, Korean, Greek and Arabic.
VideoGet 2012 (x86/x64)(18MB RAR)
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