VideoCharge Studio (UPDATE)
VideoCharge Studio te permite editar ficheros de vídeo, con soporte para los formatos más populares y capacidad para unir, dividir y pasar de un formato a otro.
Permite convertir los canales de vídeo, audio e imagen de un formato a otro gracias a un potente editor de rangos, trabajando si es necesario con varios archivos en cola y ajustando los niveles de tamaño y calidad del fichero resultante.
Facilita también la posibilidad de dividir y volver a unir fragmentos de vídeo, y permite extraer ("ripear") DVD.
The specific feature of this product is ability to generate HTML code for output video in Internet and create Internet optimized video. It could be of interest for users who wants to create Video gallery at a site, extract frames from video and create graphic gallery, create YouTube Video! It constitutes from the video editor that includes all necessary options for editing video, like: extracting scenes, splitting video into several clips, creating Thumbnails for each clip, applying watermarks and filters for image correction and a lot of other useful options.
It also generates HTML code which can be used to output video in Internet. You can upload produced video files to your FTP server! It can be used for creating Screen Lists - extract of video clip frames, which is saved in a single image file with meta data, like file name, file size, duration, etc.
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